Empty Folder Cleaner 1.1.0 Apk Ad Free latest

Empty Folder Cleaner 1.1.0 Apk Ad Free latest

Empty Folder Cleaner Apk Empty Folder Cleaner 1.1.0 Apk Ad Free latest event_note08 Dec 2018android Apps, Tools

Empty Folder Cleaner 1.1.0 Apk Ad Free latest is a Tools Android app

Download last version Empty Folder Cleaner Apk Ad Free For Android with direct link

Empty Folder Cleaner is a Tools android app made by Slack Tech that you can install on your android devices an enjoy !

Delete all empty folders with just one click.
Annoyed with tons of empty folders in your file manager? Use this app..
Very simple, Empty Folder Cleaner.
* On devices lower than KITKAT button view and delete folder will not work.
It’s because of some exploreres or file manager *
Folder Cleaner is very simple tool which removes all empty folders.
Very simple, Empty Folder Cleaner.
With a just one click all the empty folders will be deleted.
You are also provided with multiple options to delete empty folders

Key Features
1)Option to delete all empty folders at once
2)Delete empty folders from internal storage(No root required)
3)Delete empty folders from external storage/memory card(Root required for this feature only)
4)No advertisement

With a single click all the empty folders will be deleted.

Options to delete empty folders
1)Show scanning/progress â€" get the progress which search for empty folders
3)Scan ANDROID created folders â€" will not delete empty folders from the directories
/Android/data, /LOST.DIR, /DCIM

“Folder Cleaner” is the ultimate duplicate items cleaning empty folder cleaner
It is the best cleanup tool
â€" Empty Folder Cleaner â€" Delete Empty Folders
â€" Empty Folder Cleaner App
â€" Quick Empty Folder Remover
â€" Delete Empty Folders
â€" Easy Empty Folder Cleaner
â€" Cache Cleaner

Some folder will be deleted but when you run app again they will be shown
in listing again as they are created by ANDROID itself and required by the system
folders with “.nomedia” and other hidden files will not be deleted as they might
be required by the system or the app which has created it.
Developer is not responsible for any problem created by the app or any data loss.
You use the application at your own risk
If your device is running on Android version >= 6.0 (Marshmallow),
We’re sorry because this app (Sometimes it cleas as well)

Empty Folder Cleaner Apk

Empty Folder Cleaner Apk

Whats New:

New UI
Empty Folder Clean becomes more efficient
Now you can monitor apps and storage and transfer apk and save them to device
Minor bugs fixed

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