GPS Signal 21.1.7 Apk Premium latest is a Tools Android app
Download last version GPS Signal Apk Premium For Android with direct link
GPS Signal is a Tools android app made by Lakshman that you can install on your android devices an enjoy !
• GPS Satellite stats â€" Signal, Almanac, Ephemeris• Navigation stats â€" Speed, Course, Altitude, Accuracy
• Magnetic HeadingPremium Features(Inapp Purchase):-
• Adfree*****************
Technical Note:
It takes at least 3 to 4 satellites before you can receive location fix. Almanac(Imprecise) and Ephemeris(Precise) are satellite data cached in the GPS engine. The almanac data validity is in months. The ephemeris data gets invalidated in a few hours. If you get more satellites with valid ephemeris then you will quickly get location fixes with good accuracy.
GPS Signal Apk
GPS Signal Apk
Whats New:
• Bug fixes
• Library updates