Notify & Fitness for Mi Band 7.3.4 Apk Pro latest

Notify & Fitness for Mi Band 7.3.4 Apk Pro latest

Notify & Fitness for Mi Band Apk Notify & Fitness for Mi Band 7.3.4 Apk Pro latest event_note02 Dec 2018android Apps, Health & Fitness

Notify & Fitness for Mi Band 7.3.4 Apk Pro latest is a Health & Fitness Android app

Download last version Notify & Fitness for Mi Band Apk Pro For Android with direct link

Notify & Fitness for Mi Band is a Health & Fitness android app made by OneZeroBit that you can install on your android devices an enjoy !

â€" Mi Band 2 & 3 text display support (caller name, Whatsapp messages, contact names, …)
â€" Workout session: analyze each your workout sessions (steps, heart, calories, GPS)
â€" Mi Band 2 & 3 button custom actions (next music track, …)
â€" Widgets, custom reminders, custom alarms, ….
â€" Custom wake me up and power nap alarms
â€" Customize notifications for each contact (mom, friends, …)
â€" Ignore unwanted notifications (Whatsapp groups, …)
â€" Anti-loss phone feature
â€" Tasker (and similar app) support

â€" Sleep as Android support (Mi Band 2 & 3 only)
â€" Heart monitor (without keep phone near band)
â€" Steps, sleep, heart, calories, weight data tracking and analysis
â€" Basic app and call notification support
â€" Setup up to 8 alarms
â€" Mi Scale 1 & 2 basic support
â€" Firmware update

Amazfit Arc and Bip supported: please check Notify & Fitness for Amazfit app
vibrations and flashes on your band when you receive a notification on your smartphone, you’ll never miss any call or your friends’ messages.
You can personalize the notification of all incoming and missed calls and you will instantly be notified each time you receive an SMS or a Whatsapp message.
Other cool features have been added:
* schedule heart monitor
* export your data to spreadsheet
* sync data to Google Fit
* get alerts on too low or too high heart rates

All Mi Band supported: 3, 2, HRX, 1S, 1S, 1….
Official app is not required.

Disclaimer: This App is in no way associated with Xiaomi. This app includes no warranty.
Mi Fit, Mi Band, Amazfit is a trademark of Xiaomi/Huami.

Question: App can’t find / connect with band?
Solution: Please try to re-pair your band with phone on original app, then retry on this app.
Only genuine Xiaomi band are supported

Question: High battery drain of band
Solution: Please reduce use of vibration as it drains much battery than led. Try disable stable connection option on settings.

Question: App doesn’t works correctly
Solution: Please check you are not running any battery saver app like Greenify or similar.

For any other problem/suggestion email me mat90c at

App languages:
â€" Catalan
â€" Czech
â€" German
â€" Spanish
â€" French
â€" Hungarian
â€" Italian
â€" Korean
â€" Polish
â€" Portuguese
â€" Romanian
â€" Russian
â€" Slovak
â€" Ukrainian
â€" Chinese
â€" Indonesian
â€" Vietnamese
â€" Bulgarian
â€" Turkish
Thank for all contributors!

Notify & Fitness for Mi Band Apk

Notify & Fitness for Mi Band Apk

Whats New:

â€" Added custom icon feature
â€" Improved update firmware UI
â€" Improved Help UI
â€" Fixed workout runner assistance bug
â€" Improved Mi Band 3 NFC support
â€" New workout pace UI
â€" Added reset steps
â€" Updated translations
â€" Fixed bugs

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