Simple weather & clock widget (No ads) 0.8.44 Apk latest is a Weather Android app
Download last version Simple weather & clock widget (No ads) Apk For Android with direct link
Simple weather & clock widget (No ads) is a Weather android app made by difer that you can install on your android devices an enjoy !
Simple, pure weather & clock widget.Without ads.You can change your widgets background color and transparency.
Additional widgets â€" soon.
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Clock on the widget does not update automatically?
This may be related to battery saving (some systems or battery saving apps turns off background tasks of 3rd party widgets). Please try to check settings (for example in Xiaomi phones it is called “Security>Autostartâ€, in Samsung “Maintence>Batteryâ€)
Simple weather & clock widget (No ads) Apk
Simple weather & clock widget (No ads) Apk
Whats New:
â€" Energy saving and data transfer corrections
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